Saturday, January 05, 2013

Portable Computing

Back in the day, in between the popularization of the wheeled chariot but after the year of my birth, the first "portable computer" was invented. Portable was euphemistic in that the Osbourne weighed 24 pounds and folks came to refer to it and its ilk as "luggable."

Today's proof-of-concept Saturday Dork Project features a Raspberry Pi with a USB 802.11n wireless adapter, connected to the wireless network, running "headless" (accessible via SSH), all powered by a "luggable" battery pack (an automotive jumpstart setup) via a 12V DC ("car cigarette lighter") USB cellphone charging adapter.

Portable is a state of mind

This Dork Project pays homage both to technology you would not choose to carry around unless absolutely necessary and re-purposing stuff you have in the basement for uses never intended.

SSHed into the Pi

Detail: SSHed into the Pi, Terminal and X11 remotely

1 comment:

Mike McIntire said...

I like the floor. Oh, and the fact you chose a battery pack so big! Remind me to show you the little duracel usb charger batteries I got for when the power goes out her in the Leb City. They power the pi nicely.